The separate dynASP software webpage is now online.
TopdynASP is a solver for Answer Set Programming (ASP) programs. In general, solving ground logic programs is intractable. Standard-ASP solvers use techniques stemming from SAT or CSP, where intractability has been successfully tackled in practice. dynASP relies on a more theoretical approach to deal with intractable problems, namely parameterized complexity theory where the idea is to bind a certain parameter to a constant in order to obtain tractable fragments for the problems under consideration. One important parameter is treewidth, which measures the 'tree-likeliness' of a graph. The treewidth is defined on tree decompositions which in turn can be used by dynamic programming (DP) methods to solve the considered problem.
Internally, dynASP finds a tree decomposition for a given program and evaluates it based on a dynamic programming method. This entire process is hidden from the user. In fact, dynASP presents itself like a standard ASP solver. The overall goal is to improve the performance of ASP solving for logic programs with low treewidth.
can be called with the following parameters:
Usage: ./dynasp [-b] [-t] [-s <seed>] [-f <file>] [-a <alg>] [-o <output>] -b print verbose and benchmark information -t perform only tree decomposition step -s seed initialize random number generator with <seed>. -f file the file to read from -a alg algorithm, one of {sat, minsat, asp (default), hcfasp, hcf} -o output output type, one of {enum (default), count, yesno}Top
The current version of the dynASP tool is available in binary, compiled form:
The program lpopt
allows for preprocessing complex non-ground
rules for answer set programming (ASP) in such a way that the grounding of such a rule remains small.
For a detailed documentation see [5,6].
Usage: ./lpopt < infile > outfile
2012 | |
[7] |
Evaluating Tree-Decomposition Based Algorithms for
Answer Set Programming Michael Morak, Nysret Musliu, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Rümmele, Stefan Woltran In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 2012), Pages 130-144, 2012 (link) |
[6] |
Preprocessing of Complex Non-Ground Rules in Answer Set
Programming Michael Morak, Stefan Woltran In Technical Communications of the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2012), Pages 247-258, 2012 (link) |
2011 | |
[5] |
Preprocessing of Complex Non-Ground Rules in Answer Set Programming Michael Morak, Stefan Woltran Technical Report DBAI-TR-2011-72, Database and Artificial Intelligence Group, Vienna University of Technology (link) |
[4] |
Evaluating Tree-Decomposition Based Algorithms for Answer Set Programming Michael Morak, Nysret Musliu, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Rümmele, Stefan Woltran Technical Report DBAI-TR-2011-73, Database and Artificial Intelligence Group, Vienna University of Technology (link) |
[3] |
A New Tree-Decomposition Based Algorithm for Answer Set Programming Michael Morak, Nysret Musliu, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Rümmele, Stefan Woltran In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2011), Pages 916-918, 2011 (link) |
[2] |
dynASP - A Dynamic-Programming Based Answer Set Programming Solver Michael Morak, Master's Thesis, Vienna University of Technology, published January 2011 (thesis at obv, direct link) |
2010 | |
[1] |
A Dynamic-Programming Based ASP-Solver Michael Morak, Reinhard Pichler, Stefan Rümmele, Stefan Woltran In Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2010), LNCS, Volume 6341, Pages 369-372, 2010 (paper at SpringerLink) |